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Releases API

DETAILS: Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Use this API to manipulate release entries.

To manipulate links as a release asset, see Release Links API.


For authentication, the Releases API accepts either:

List Releases

Returns a paginated list of releases, sorted by released_at.

GET /projects/:id/releases
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
order_by string no The field to use as order. Either released_at (default) or created_at.
sort string no The direction of the order. Either desc (default) for descending order or asc for ascending order.
include_html_description boolean no If true, a response includes HTML rendered Markdown of the release description.

If successful, returns 200 OK and the following response attributes:

Attribute Type Description
[]._links object Links of the release.
[]._links.closed_issues_url string HTTP URL of the release's closed issues.
[]._links.closed_merge_requests_url string HTTP URL of the release's closed merge requests.
[]._links.edit_url string HTTP URL of the release's edit page.
[]._links.merged_merge_requests_url string HTTP URL of the release's merged merge requests.
[]._links.opened_issues_url string HTTP URL of the release's open issues.
[]._links.opened_merge_requests_url string HTTP URL of the release's open merge requests.
[]._links.self string HTTP URL of the release.

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Escape label and milestone titles to prevent XSS in GLFM autocomplete. !2740\r\n- Prevent private snippets from being embeddable.\r\n- Add subresources removal to member destroy service.",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.2 beta",
      "milestones": [
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 98,
               "closed": 76
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 24,
               "closed": 21
          "sha": "760d6cdfb0879c3ffedec13af470e0f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:56:19.539Z"
      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n-Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.1 alpha",
         "title":"Initial commit",

         "message":"Initial commit",

          "sha": "c3ffedec13af470e760d6cdfb08790f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:55:18.203Z"
      "_links": {
         "closed_issues_url": "",
         "closed_merge_requests_url": "",
         "edit_url": "",
         "merged_merge_requests_url": "",
         "opened_issues_url": "",
         "opened_merge_requests_url": "",
         "self": ""

Get a Release by a tag name

Gets a release for the given tag.

GET /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
tag_name string yes The Git tag the release is associated with.
include_html_description boolean no If true, a response includes HTML rendered Markdown of the release description.

If successful, returns 200 OK and the following response attributes:

Attribute Type Description
[]._links object Links of the release.
[]._links.closed_issues_url string HTTP URL of the release's closed issues.
[]._links.closed_merge_requests_url string HTTP URL of the release's closed merge requests.
[]._links.edit_url string HTTP URL of the release's edit page.
[]._links.merged_merge_requests_url string HTTP URL of the release's merged merge requests.
[]._links.opened_issues_url string HTTP URL of the release's open issues.
[]._links.opened_merge_requests_url string HTTP URL of the release's open merge requests.
[]._links.self string HTTP URL of the release.

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

   "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
   "name":"Awesome app v0.1 alpha",
      "title":"Initial commit",

      "message":"Initial commit",
   "milestones": [
         "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
         "issue_stats": {
            "total": 98,
            "closed": 76
         "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
         "issue_stats": {
            "total": 24,
            "closed": 21
       "sha": "760d6cdfb0879c3ffedec13af470e0f71cf52c6cde4d",
       "filepath": "",
       "collected_at": "2019-07-16T14:00:12.256Z"
   "_links": {
      "closed_issues_url": "",
      "closed_merge_requests_url": "",
      "edit_url": "",
      "merged_merge_requests_url": "",
      "opened_issues_url": "",
      "opened_merge_requests_url": "",
      "self": ""

Download a release asset

Download a release asset file by making a request with the following format:

GET /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name/downloads/:direct_asset_path
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
tag_name string yes The Git tag the release is associated with.
direct_asset_path string yes Path to the release asset file as specified when creating or updating its link.

Example request:

curl --location --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Get the latest release

Latest release information is accessible through a permanent API URL.

The format of the URL is:

GET /projects/:id/releases/permalink/latest

To call any other GET API that requires a release tag, append a suffix to the permalink/latest API path.

For example, to get latest release evidence you can use:

GET /projects/:id/releases/permalink/latest/evidence

Another example is downloading an asset of the latest release, for which you can use:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

#### Sorting preferences

By default, GitLab fetches the release using `released_at` time. The use of the query parameter
`?order_by=released_at` is optional, and support for `?order_by=semver` is tracked [in issue 352945](

## Create a release

Creates a release. Developer level access to the project is required to create a release.

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

| Attribute          | Type            | Required                    | Description                                                                                                                      |
| -------------------| --------------- | --------                    | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id`               | integer/string  | yes                         | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../rest/                                              |
| `name`             | string          | no                          | The release name.                                                                                                                |
| `tag_name`         | string          | yes                         | The tag where the release is created from.                                                                                  |
| `tag_message`      | string          | no                          | Message to use if creating a new annotated tag.                                                                                  |
| `description`      | string          | no                          | The description of the release. You can use [Markdown](../../user/                                                  |
| `ref`              | string          | yes, if `tag_name` doesn't exist | If a tag specified in `tag_name` doesn't exist, the release is created from `ref` and tagged with `tag_name`. It can be a commit SHA, another tag name, or a branch name. |
| `milestones`       | array of string | no                          | The title of each milestone the release is associated with. [GitLab Premium]( customers can specify group milestones.                                                                      |
| `assets:links`     | array of hash   | no                          | An array of assets links.                                                                                                        |
| `assets:links:name`| string          | required by: `assets:links` | The name of the link. Link names must be unique within the release.                                                              |
| `assets:links:url` | string          | required by: `assets:links` | The URL of the link. Link URLs must be unique within the release.                                                                |
| `assets:links:direct_asset_path` | string     | no | Optional path for a [direct asset link](../../user/project/releases/ |
| `assets:links:link_type` | string     | no | The type of the link: `other`, `runbook`, `image`, `package`. Defaults to `other`. |
| `released_at`      | datetime        | no                          | Date and time for the release. Defaults to the current time. Expected in ISO 8601 format (`2019-03-15T08:00:00Z`). Only provide this field if creating an [upcoming](../../user/project/releases/ or [historical](../../user/project/releases/ release.  |

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

### Group milestones

**Tier:** Premium, Ultimate
**Offering:** GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Group milestones associated with the project may be specified in the `milestones`
array for [Create a release](#create-a-release) and [Update a release](#update-a-release)
API calls. Only milestones associated with the project's group may be specified, and
adding milestones for ancestor groups raises an error.

## Collect release evidence

**Tier:** Premium, Ultimate
**Offering:** GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Creates an evidence for an existing release.

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

| Attribute     | Type           | Required | Description                                                                         |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id`          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../rest/ |
| `tag_name`    | string         | yes      | The Git tag the release is associated with.                                         |

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

## Update a release

> - [Changed]( to allow for `JOB-TOKEN` in GitLab 14.5.

Updates a release. Developer level access to the project is required to update a release.

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

| Attribute     | Type            | Required | Description                                                                                                 |
| ------------- | --------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id`          | integer/string  | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../rest/                         |
| `tag_name`    | string          | yes      | The Git tag the release is associated with.                                                                 |
| `name`        | string          | no       | The release name.                                                                                           |
| `description` | string          | no       | The description of the release. You can use [Markdown](../../user/                             |
| `milestones`  | array of string | no       | The title of each milestone to associate with the release. [GitLab Premium]( customers can specify group milestones. To remove all milestones from the release, specify `[]`. |
| `released_at` | datetime        | no       | The date when the release is/was ready. Expected in ISO 8601 format (`2019-03-15T08:00:00Z`).          |

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

## Delete a Release

Deletes a release. Deleting a release doesn't delete the associated tag. Maintainer level access to the project is required to delete a release.

      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Escape label and milestone titles to prevent XSS in GLFM autocomplete. !2740\r\n- Prevent private snippets from being embeddable.\r\n- Add subresources removal to member destroy service.",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.2 beta",
      "milestones": [
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 98,
               "closed": 76
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 24,
               "closed": 21
          "sha": "760d6cdfb0879c3ffedec13af470e0f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:56:19.539Z"
      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n-Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.1 alpha",
         "title":"Initial commit",

         "message":"Initial commit",

          "sha": "c3ffedec13af470e760d6cdfb08790f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:55:18.203Z"
      "_links": {
         "closed_issues_url": "",
         "closed_merge_requests_url": "",
         "edit_url": "",
         "merged_merge_requests_url": "",
         "opened_issues_url": "",
         "opened_merge_requests_url": "",
         "self": ""

| Attribute     | Type           | Required | Description                                                                         |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id`          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../rest/ |
| `tag_name`    | string         | yes      | The Git tag the release is associated with.                                         |

Example request:

      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Escape label and milestone titles to prevent XSS in GLFM autocomplete. !2740\r\n- Prevent private snippets from being embeddable.\r\n- Add subresources removal to member destroy service.",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.2 beta",
      "milestones": [
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 98,
               "closed": 76
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 24,
               "closed": 21
          "sha": "760d6cdfb0879c3ffedec13af470e0f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:56:19.539Z"
      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n-Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.1 alpha",
         "title":"Initial commit",

         "message":"Initial commit",

          "sha": "c3ffedec13af470e760d6cdfb08790f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:55:18.203Z"
      "_links": {
         "closed_issues_url": "",
         "closed_merge_requests_url": "",
         "edit_url": "",
         "merged_merge_requests_url": "",
         "opened_issues_url": "",
         "opened_merge_requests_url": "",
         "self": ""

Example response:

      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n- Escape label and milestone titles to prevent XSS in GLFM autocomplete. !2740\r\n- Prevent private snippets from being embeddable.\r\n- Add subresources removal to member destroy service.",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.2 beta",
      "milestones": [
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 98,
               "closed": 76
            "description":"Voluptate fugiat possimus quis quod aliquam expedita.",
            "issue_stats": {
               "total": 24,
               "closed": 21
          "sha": "760d6cdfb0879c3ffedec13af470e0f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:56:19.539Z"
      "description":"## CHANGELOG\r\n\r\n-Remove limit of 100 when searching repository code. !8671\r\n- Show error message when attempting to reopen an MR and there is an open MR for the same branch. !16447 (Akos Gyimesi)\r\n- Fix a bug where internal email pattern wasn't respected. !22516",
      "name":"Awesome app v0.1 alpha",
         "title":"Initial commit",

         "message":"Initial commit",

          "sha": "c3ffedec13af470e760d6cdfb08790f71cf52c6cde4d",
          "filepath": "",
          "collected_at": "2019-01-03T01:55:18.203Z"
      "_links": {
         "closed_issues_url": "",
         "closed_merge_requests_url": "",
         "edit_url": "",
         "merged_merge_requests_url": "",
         "opened_issues_url": "",
         "opened_merge_requests_url": "",
         "self": ""

## Upcoming Releases

A release with a `released_at` attribute set to a future date is labeled
as an **Upcoming Release** [in the UI](../../user/project/releases/

Additionally, if a [release is requested from the API](#list-releases), for each release with a `release_at` attribute set to a future date, an additional attribute `upcoming_release` (set to true) is returned as part of the response.

## Historical releases

> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 15.2.

A release with a `released_at` attribute set to a past date is labeled
as an **Historical release** [in the UI](../../user/project/releases/

Additionally, if a [release is requested from the API](#list-releases), for each
release with a `release_at` attribute set to a past date, an additional
attribute `historical_release` (set to true) is returned as part of the response.